¶import os
run_dir = '/home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914'
try: os.makedirs(run_dir)
except: pass
!rm -rf *
!gwnr_write_pycbc_inference_configs -h
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) usage: /home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gwnrtools-2020.10.30-py3.9.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/gwnrtools_write_pycbc_inference_configs [--options] Get and write configuration files for generating a workflow to perform Bayesian parameter estimation runs on a set of signals with Pycbc inference optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version Prints version information. --verbose Print logging messages. --write-data-config WRITE_DATA_CONFIG Write data config files and exit. --write-sampler-config WRITE_SAMPLER_CONFIG Write sampler config files and exit. --write-inference-config WRITE_INFERENCE_CONFIG Write inference config files and exit. --n-cpus N_CPUS --checkpoint-interval CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL --n-live N_LIVE --n-maxmcmc N_MAXMCMC --dlogz DLOGZ --n-walkers N_WALKERS --n-temperatures N_TEMPERATURES --n-maxsamps-per-walker N_MAXSAMPS_PER_WALKER --n-eff-samples N_EFF_SAMPLES --show-available-configs Show available options for all configurations. --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory path.
!gwnr_write_pycbc_inference_configs --show-available-configs
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) data: ['gw150914-like-gaussian', 'gw150914-like-zeronoise', 'GW150914-v3', 'GW151012-v3', 'GW151226-v2', 'GW170104-v2', 'GW170608-v3', 'GW170729-v1', 'GW170809-v1', 'GW170814-v3', 'GW170817-v3', 'GW170818-v1', 'GW170823-v1'] sampler: ['emcee', 'emcee_pt', 'epsie', 'dynesty', 'ultranest', 'multinest', 'cpnest'] inference: ['bbh_precessing', 'bbh_alignedspin']
!gwnr_write_pycbc_inference_configs --verbose\
--write-sampler-config emcee_pt --write-inference-config bbh_precessing
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) 2021-09-20 19:37:49,110 Writing config file for sampler settings.. 2021-09-20 19:37:49,111 Writing config file for inference settings.. 2021-09-20 19:37:49,111 Done
bbh_precessing.ini emcee_pt.ini
!cat emcee_pt.ini bbh_precessing.ini
[sampler] name = emcee_pt nprocesses = 10 nwalkers = 1000 ntemps = 20 effective-nsamples = 4000 max-samples-per-chain = 1000 checkpoint-interval = 2000 [sampler-burn_in] burn-in-test = nacl & max_posterior ; ; Sampling transforms ; [sampling_params] ; parameters on the left will be sampled in ; parametes on the right mass1, mass2 : mchirp, q [sampling_transforms-mchirp+q] ; inputs mass1, mass2 ; outputs mchirp, q name = mass1_mass2_to_mchirp_q [model] name = gaussian_noise low-frequency-cutoff = 20.0 [variable_params] ; waveform parameters that will vary in MCMC delta_tc = mass1 = mass2 = spin1_a = spin1_azimuthal = spin1_polar = spin2_a = spin2_azimuthal = spin2_polar = distance = coa_phase = inclination = polarization = ra = dec = [static_params] ; waveform parameters that will not change in MCMC approximant = IMRPhenomPv2 f_lower = 20 f_ref = 20 ; we'll set the tc by using the trigger time in the data ; section of the config file + delta_tc trigger_time = ${data|trigger-time} [prior-delta_tc] ; coalescence time prior name = uniform min-delta_tc = -0.1 max-delta_tc = 0.1 [waveform_transforms-tc] ; we need to provide tc to the waveform generator name = custom inputs = delta_tc tc = ${data|trigger-time} + delta_tc ;Mass1 of GW151012 $\in$ [28.7, 38.1] ;Mass1 of GW170608 $\in$ [12.7, 16.5] ;Mass1 of GW170729 $\in$ [60.4, 66.4] ;Mass1 of GW150914 $\in$ [38.7, 40.3] ;Mass1 of GW151226 $\in$ [16.9, 22.5] ;Mass1 of GW170814 $\in$ [33.6, 36.2] ;Mass1 of GW170817 $\in$ [1.56, 1.58] ;Mass1 of GW170104 $\in$ [36.4, 38.1] ;Mass1 of GW170809 $\in$ [40.9, 43.3] ;Mass1 of GW170818 $\in$ [40.1, 42.9] ;Mass1 of GW170823 $\in$ [46.2, 50.7] [prior-mass1] name = uniform min-mass1 = 10. max-mass1 = 80. ;Mass2 of GW151012 $\in$ [18.4, 17.7] ;Mass2 of GW170608 $\in$ [9.8, 9.0] ;Mass2 of GW170729 $\in$ [44.1, 43.1] ;Mass2 of GW150914 $\in$ [35.0, 33.6] ;Mass2 of GW151226 $\in$ [10.2, 9.9] ;Mass2 of GW170814 $\in$ [29.2, 28.0] ;Mass2 of GW170817 $\in$ [1.36, 1.36] ;Mass2 of GW170104 $\in$ [24.6, 24.9] ;Mass2 of GW170809 $\in$ [29.0, 28.9] ;Mass2 of GW170818 $\in$ [31.9, 31.0] ;Mass2 of GW170823 $\in$ [36.8, 35.7] [prior-mass2] name = uniform min-mass2 = 10. max-mass2 = 80. [prior-spin1_a] name = uniform min-spin1_a = 0.0 max-spin1_a = 0.99 [prior-spin1_polar+spin1_azimuthal] name = uniform_solidangle polar-angle = spin1_polar azimuthal-angle = spin1_azimuthal [prior-spin2_a] name = uniform min-spin2_a = 0.0 max-spin2_a = 0.99 [prior-spin2_polar+spin2_azimuthal] name = uniform_solidangle polar-angle = spin2_polar azimuthal-angle = spin2_azimuthal [prior-distance] ; following gives a uniform volume prior name = uniform_radius min-distance = 10 max-distance = 1000 [prior-coa_phase] ; coalescence phase prior name = uniform_angle [prior-inclination] ; inclination prior name = sin_angle [prior-ra+dec] ; sky position prior name = uniform_sky [prior-polarization] ; polarization prior name = uniform_angle
with open('config.ini', 'w') as fout:
; Executables
inference = ${which:pycbc_inference}
plot = ${which:pycbc_inference_plot_posterior}
; Workflow
accounting-group =
log-path = log
sampler = emcee_pt.ini
inference = bbh_precessing.ini
events = GW150914 GW170104
sample-rate = 2048
data-sample-rate = 4096
data-duration = 4096
psd-estimation = download ; or data-standard
; Inference
verbose =
seed = 12
config-files = inference.ini data.ini sampler.ini
output-file = inference.hdf
nprocesses = 10
force =
; Visualize
input-file = inference.hdf
plot-scatter =
plot-marginal =
plot-prior = inference.ini data.ini
output-file = plots/posteriors.png
parameters = 'mass1 mass2'
!cat config.ini
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Executables ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [executables] inference = ${which:pycbc_inference} plot = ${which:pycbc_inference_plot_posterior} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Workflow ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [workflow] accounting-group = log-path = log sampler = emcee_pt.ini inference = bbh_precessing.ini events = GW150914 GW170104 sample-rate = 2048 data-sample-rate = 4096 data-duration = 4096 psd-estimation = download ; or data-standard ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Inference ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [inference] verbose = seed = 12 config-files = inference.ini data.ini sampler.ini output-file = inference.hdf nprocesses = 10 force = ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Visualize ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [plot] input-file = inference.hdf plot-scatter = plot-marginal = plot-prior = inference.ini data.ini [plot-mass1mass2] output-file = plots/posteriors.png parameters = 'mass1 mass2'
!gwnr_create_public_events_pycbc_inference_workflow -h
usage: /home/prayush/src/GWNRTools/bin//gwnrtools_create_public_events_inference_workflow [--options] Setup workflow to perform Bayesian parameter estimation runs on a custom set of public gravitational-wave events using open data optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version Prints version information. --verbose Print logging messages. --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory path. --force If the output-dir already exists, overwrite it. Otherwise, an OSError is raised. --do-not-fetch-data Don't fetch GWOSC data. --nprocesses NPROCESSES Number of processes to use. If not given then only a single core will be used. --use-mpi Use MPI to parallelize the sampler --seed SEED Seed to use for the random number generator that initially distributes the walkers. Default is 0. Configuration: Options needed for parsing config file(s). --config-files CONFIGFILE [CONFIGFILE ...] List of config files to be used in analysis. --config-overrides [SECTION:OPTION:VALUE [SECTION:OPTION:VALUE ...]] List of section,option,value combinations to add into the configuration file. Normally the gps start and end times might be provided this way, and user specific locations (ie. output directories). This can also be provided as SECTION:OPTION or SECTION:OPTION: both of which indicate that the corresponding value is left blank. --config-delete [SECTION:OPTION [SECTION:OPTION ...]] List of section,option combinations to delete from the configuration file. This can also be provided as SECTION which deletes the enture section from the configuration file or SECTION:OPTION which deletes a specific option from a given section. Options for selecting the FFT backend and controlling its performance in this program.: --fft-backends [FFT_BACKENDS [FFT_BACKENDS ...]] Preference list of the FFT backends. Choices are: ['fftw', 'numpy'] --fftw-measure-level FFTW_MEASURE_LEVEL Determines the measure level used in planning FFTW FFTs; allowed values are: [0, 1, 2, 3] --fftw-threads-backend FFTW_THREADS_BACKEND Give 'openmp', 'pthreads' or 'unthreaded' to specify which threaded FFTW to use --fftw-input-float-wisdom-file FFTW_INPUT_FLOAT_WISDOM_FILE Filename from which to read single-precision wisdom --fftw-input-double-wisdom-file FFTW_INPUT_DOUBLE_WISDOM_FILE Filename from which to read double-precision wisdom --fftw-output-float-wisdom-file FFTW_OUTPUT_FLOAT_WISDOM_FILE Filename to which to write single-precision wisdom --fftw-output-double-wisdom-file FFTW_OUTPUT_DOUBLE_WISDOM_FILE Filename to which to write double-precision wisdom --fftw-import-system-wisdom If given, call fftw[f]_import_system_wisdom() Options for selecting optimization-specific settings: --cpu-affinity CPU_AFFINITY A set of CPUs on which to run, specified in a format suitable to pass to taskset. --cpu-affinity-from-env CPU_AFFINITY_FROM_ENV The name of an enivornment variable containing a set of CPUs on which to run, specified in a format suitable to pass to taskset. Options for selecting the processing scheme in this program.: --processing-scheme PROCESSING_SCHEME The choice of processing scheme. Choices are ['mkl', 'numpy', 'cpu', 'cuda']. (optional for CPU scheme) The number of execution threads can be indicated by cpu:NUM_THREADS, where NUM_THREADS is an integer. The default is a single thread. If the scheme is provided as cpu:env, the number of threads can be provided by the PYCBC_NUM_THREADS environment variable. If the environment variable is not set, the number of threads matches the number of logical cores. --processing-device-id PROCESSING_DEVICE_ID (optional) ID of GPU to use for accelerated processing
!gwnr_create_public_events_pycbc_inference_workflow --config-files config.ini --output-dir . --force --verbose
2020-03-17 17:49:18,790 Reading configuration file 2020-03-17 17:49:18,792 Using seed 0 2020-03-17 17:49:18,794 Running with CPU support: 1 threads 2020-03-17 17:49:18,904 Will setup analyses in . 2020-03-17 17:49:18,906 Making workspace directories 2020-03-17 17:49:18,907 Creating DAG 2020-03-17 17:49:18,914 Making eventGW170104/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing in /home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914 2020-03-17 17:49:18,984 Copying config files to eventGW170104/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing 2020-03-17 17:49:18,986 Copying executables to eventGW170104/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing/scripts/ 2020-03-17 17:49:18,988 Fetching GWOSC frame data
Downloading [Done] Downloading [Done]
2020-03-17 17:50:43,606 Fetching PSD files
Downloading [Done]
2020-03-17 17:51:37,611 Making eventGW150914/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing in /home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914 2020-03-17 17:51:37,701 Copying config files to eventGW150914/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing 2020-03-17 17:51:37,704 Copying executables to eventGW150914/emcee_pt/bbh_precessing/scripts/ 2020-03-17 17:51:37,706 Fetching GWOSC frame data
Downloading [Done] Downloading [Done]
2020-03-17 17:52:54,887 Fetching PSD files
Downloading [Done]
2020-03-17 17:53:50,550 Done
. ├── bbh_precessing.ini ├── config.ini ├── emcee_pt.ini ├── eventGW150914 │ ├── data │ │ ├── H-H1_GWOSC_4KHZ_R1-1126257415-4096.gwf │ │ ├── L-L1_GWOSC_4KHZ_R1-1126257415-4096.gwf │ │ ├── psd_H1.dat │ │ └── psd_L1.dat │ └── emcee_pt │ └── bbh_precessing │ ├── data.ini │ ├── inference.hdf.bkup │ ├── inference.hdf.checkpoint │ ├── inference.ini │ ├── log │ │ ├── run_inference-166-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-166-0.out │ │ ├── run_inference-169-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-169-0.out │ │ ├── run_inference-173-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-173-0.out │ │ └── tmpFgLflx │ ├── make_plot_mass1mass2 │ ├── make_plot_mass1mass2.sub │ ├── plots │ ├── run_inference │ ├── run_inference.sub │ ├── sampler.ini │ └── scripts │ ├── pycbc_inference │ └── pycbc_inference_plot_posterior ├── eventGW170104 │ ├── data │ │ ├── H-H1_GWOSC_4KHZ_R1-1167557889-4096.gwf │ │ ├── L-L1_GWOSC_4KHZ_R1-1167557889-4096.gwf │ │ ├── psd_H1.dat │ │ └── psd_L1.dat │ └── emcee_pt │ └── bbh_precessing │ ├── data.ini │ ├── inference.ini │ ├── log │ │ ├── run_inference-165-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-165-0.out │ │ ├── run_inference-168-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-168-0.out │ │ ├── run_inference-172-0.err │ │ ├── run_inference-172-0.out │ │ └── tmpFgLflx │ ├── make_plot_mass1mass2 │ ├── make_plot_mass1mass2.sub │ ├── plots │ ├── run_inference │ ├── run_inference.sub │ ├── sampler.ini │ └── scripts │ ├── pycbc_inference │ └── pycbc_inference_plot_posterior ├── log ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.condor.sub ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.dagman.log ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.dagman.out ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.lib.err ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.lib.out ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.lock ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.metrics ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.nodes.log ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.rescue001 ├── pycbc_inference_events.dag.rescue002 └── 15 directories, 57 files
!condor_submit_dag pycbc_inference_events.dag >> dag.out
!tail *dagman.out
03/04/20 14:44:41 Workflow accounting_group_user: <> 03/04/20 14:44:41 Warning: failed to get attribute DAGNodeName 03/04/20 14:44:41 DAGMAN_LOG_ON_NFS_IS_ERROR setting: False 03/04/20 14:44:41 Default node log file is: </home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914/./pycbc_inference_events.dag.nodes.log> 03/04/20 14:44:41 DAG Lockfile will be written to pycbc_inference_events.dag.lock 03/04/20 14:44:41 DAG Input file is pycbc_inference_events.dag 03/04/20 14:44:41 Parsing 1 dagfiles 03/04/20 14:44:41 Parsing pycbc_inference_events.dag ... 03/04/20 14:44:41 Dag contains 4 total jobs 03/04/20 14:44:41 Sleeping for 3 seconds to ensure ProcessId uniqueness
¶import os
run_dir = '/home/prayush/research/test_bilby_events'
try: os.makedirs(run_dir)
except: pass
!rm -rf *
!gwnr_write_bilby_configs --help
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) usage: /home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gwnrtools-2020.10.30-py3.9.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/gwnrtools_write_bilby_configs [--options] Get and write configuration files for generating a workflow to perform Bayesian parameter estimation runs on a custom set of signals with Bilby optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version Prints version information. --verbose Print logging messages. --write-config WRITE_CONFIG Comma-separated name of config-type,config-subtype, e.g.'prior,precessing_spins_bbh' --write-injection-config WRITE_INJECTION_CONFIG Write config files for injections and exit. --write-event-config WRITE_EVENT_CONFIG Write config files for events and exit. --show-available-configs Show available options for all configurations. --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory path.
!gwnr_write_bilby_configs --show-available-configs
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) prior: ['default', 'eccentric-nonspin', 'precessing_spins_bns', 'GW170817', 'GW150914', 'precessing_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'aligned_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'precessing_spins_bns_tides_on', 'aligned_spins_bbh', 'precessing_spins_bbh', 'aligned_spins_bns', 'aligned_spins_bns_tides_on'] injection: ['bbh-prior-default', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-default', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-default', 'bbh-prior-eccentric-nonspin', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-eccentric-nonspin', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-eccentric-nonspin', 'bbh-prior-precessing_spins_bns', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-precessing_spins_bns', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-precessing_spins_bns', 'bbh-prior-GW170817', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-GW170817', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-GW170817', 'bbh-prior-GW150914', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-GW150914', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-GW150914', 'bbh-prior-precessing_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-precessing_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-precessing_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-prior-aligned_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-aligned_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-aligned_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-prior-precessing_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-precessing_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-precessing_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-prior-aligned_spins_bbh', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-aligned_spins_bbh', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-aligned_spins_bbh', 'bbh-prior-precessing_spins_bbh', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-precessing_spins_bbh', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-precessing_spins_bbh', 'bbh-prior-aligned_spins_bns', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-aligned_spins_bns', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-aligned_spins_bns', 'bbh-prior-aligned_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-alignedspin-prior-aligned_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-eccentric-nonspin-prior-aligned_spins_bns_tides_on'] event: ['bbh-event-prior-default', 'bbh-event-prior-eccentric-nonspin', 'bbh-event-prior-precessing_spins_bns', 'bbh-event-prior-GW170817', 'bbh-event-prior-GW150914', 'bbh-event-prior-precessing_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-event-prior-aligned_spins_bbh_tides_on', 'bbh-event-prior-precessing_spins_bns_tides_on', 'bbh-event-prior-aligned_spins_bbh', 'bbh-event-prior-precessing_spins_bbh', 'bbh-event-prior-aligned_spins_bns', 'bbh-event-prior-aligned_spins_bns_tides_on']
!gwnr_write_bilby_configs --write-config event,bbh-event-prior-GW150914 --verbose
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) 2021-09-20 19:37:00,651 Done
!cat bbh-event-prior-GW150914.ini
[workflow] tag = test accounting-group = log-path = log request-memory = 2G request-cpus = 1 [inference] duration = 4 sample_rate = 2048 lower_frequency_cutoff = 30 upper_frequency_cutoff = 1024 reference_frequency = 30 phase_marginalization = time_marginalization = ;distance_marginalization = [sampler] name = dynesty npoints = 2000 maxmcmc = 2000 n_check_point = 1000 [data] analysis_type = event source_type = bbh event_names = GW150914,GW170104 interferometers = H1,L1 [template] source_model = approximant = IMRPhenomPv2 sample_rate = 2048 lower_frequency_cutoff = 30 upper_frequency_cutoff = 1024 reference_frequency = 30 [prior] mass_ratio = Uniform(name='mass_ratio', minimum=0.125, maximum=1) chirp_mass = Uniform(name='chirp_mass', minimum=25, maximum=31) mass_1 = Constraint(name='mass_1', minimum=10, maximum=80) mass_2 = Constraint(name='mass_2', minimum=10, maximum=80) a_1 = Uniform(name='a_1', minimum=0, maximum=0.99) a_2 = Uniform(name='a_2', minimum=0, maximum=0.99) tilt_1 = Sine(name='tilt_1', boundary='reflective') tilt_2 = Sine(name='tilt_2', boundary='reflective') phi_12 = Uniform(name='phi_12', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic') phi_jl = Uniform(name='phi_jl', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic') luminosity_distance = PowerLaw(alpha=2, name='luminosity_distance', minimum=50, maximum=2000, unit='Mpc', latex_label='$d_L$') dec = Cosine(name='dec') ra = Uniform(name='ra', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic') theta_jn = Sine(name='theta_jn', boundary='reflective') psi = Uniform(name='psi', minimum=0, maximum=np.pi, boundary='periodic') phase = Uniform(name='phase', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
!gwnr_create_public_events_bilby_workflow --help
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) usage: /home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gwnrtools-2020.10.30-py3.9.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/gwnrtools_create_public_events_bilby_workflow [--options] Setup workflow to perform Bayesian parameter estimation runs on a custom set of simulated signals optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version Prints version information. --verbose Print logging messages. --config-file CONFIG_FILE Configuration file with details of analyses. See `gwnrtools_write_bilby_inference_configs` for help. --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory path. --force If the output-dir already exists, overwrite it. Otherwise, an OSError is raised. --save-backup Don't delete the backup file after the run has completed. --nprocesses NPROCESSES Number of processes to use. If not given then only a single core will be used. --use-mpi Use MPI to parallelize the sampler --seed SEED Seed to use for the random number generator that initially distributes the walkers. Default is 0.
!gwnr_create_public_events_bilby_workflow --config-file bbh-event-prior-GW150914.ini --output-dir bbh-events --verbose
/home/prayush/miniconda3/envs/lalsuite-dev/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. result = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) 2021-09-20 19:42:43,113 Using seed 0 2021-09-20 19:42:43,130 Will setup analyses in bbh-events 2021-09-20 19:42:43,130 Creating DAG 2021-09-20 19:42:43,130 --- creating script writer objects for events 2021-09-20 19:42:43,131 --- script writer object created for event GW150914 2021-09-20 19:42:43,131 --- analysis objects created for event 0 2021-09-20 19:42:43,131 --- script writer object created for event GW170104 2021-09-20 19:42:43,131 --- analysis objects created for event 1 2021-09-20 19:42:43,131 Making ./GW150914 in /home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914/bbh-events Writing script for event data Please do not forget to write 'priors.prior' 2021-09-20 19:42:43,147 Making ./GW170104 in /home/prayush/research/test_pycbc_gw150914/bbh-events Writing script for event data Please do not forget to write 'priors.prior' 2021-09-20 19:42:43,162 Done
. ├── bbh-event-prior-GW150914.ini ├── bbh-events │ ├── bbh-event-prior-GW150914.ini │ ├── bilby_events.dag │ ├── │ ├── GW150914 │ │ ├── log │ │ ├── priors.prior │ │ ├── run_inference │ │ └── run_inference.sub │ └── GW170104 │ ├── log │ ├── priors.prior │ ├── run_inference │ └── run_inference.sub ├── bbh_precessing.ini └── emcee_pt.ini 5 directories, 12 files
bbh-event-prior-GW150914.ini GW170104 bilby_events.dag GW150914
!condor_submit_dag bilby_events.dag >> dag.out
!tail *dagman.out
09/20/21 19:46:08 Number of idle job procs: 1 09/20/21 19:46:08 Reassigning the id of job 23e9b16444d8cf36712e2be1b5c18c7d from (112.0.0) to (112.0.0) 09/20/21 19:46:08 Event: ULOG_SUBMIT for HTCondor Node 23e9b16444d8cf36712e2be1b5c18c7d (112.0.0) {09/20/21 19:46:08} 09/20/21 19:46:08 Number of idle job procs: 2 09/20/21 19:46:08 DAG status: 0 (DAG_STATUS_OK) 09/20/21 19:46:08 Of 2 nodes total: 09/20/21 19:46:08 Done Pre Queued Post Ready Un-Ready Failed 09/20/21 19:46:08 === === === === === === === 09/20/21 19:46:08 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 09/20/21 19:46:08 0 job proc(s) currently held